Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tight Squeeze

The biggest transition from Private to Public I have had to make in Rome is actually using public transportation. I drive everywhere. I hate being on someone else's schedule. I make up my own schedule, I don't chase the bus, the train or taxi. Every time I have taken the train/bus/tram so far I have gotten lost either going in the wrong direction or being on the wrong bus. Taking the train is also a challenge for me because I have extreme germaphobia. I try not to touch any public spaces. For me poles, railings, handles, buttons and other things touched daily by hundreds is an area that screams GERMS. On top of that, there are the sweaty people who are standing so close to me that I could practically feel them breathing on me. Everytime the bus stops I feel like with my luck and germaphobia someone will tumble onto me and use me as their human napkin. The apartment I am living in also took some getting used to. At home I have my own room and my own bathroom that no one else uses. When I first walked into the room I was going to be sleeping in for the next six weeks I felt the germs creeping up on me. I layed out my clothing and bedding and only touched the areas of my room that were covered with things I brought from home. Every other surface which is not mine was automatically covered in germs. I am getting better now that I have spent about 10 days here. I still think about the germs but not as much. Maybe this trip will cure my germaphobia.


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